Title: Kurayami Gatari ~Yoen Ibun~
Cast: Tsuda Kenjiro
Last night, I listen to this drama CD. To tell the truth, I never read any synopsis about it. I like the illustration and the cast. Furthermore, I heard it is using the almighty Dummy Mic and came from the same creator of Kindan Vampire drama CD. So I thought that it would be something like a slightly dark story like Kindan Vampire. Moreover, I rarely have a chance to listen to this type of Drama CD with Tsuda Kenjiro as the cast.
The drama began normally with the fateful meeting of the heroin and the character voiced by TsudaKen in the shop.....or something like that. I actually forgot his name. Does he even have one? He sounds like a mysterious fortune teller to me. The heroin seems gloomy and he had successfully predict that recently someone close to her had died. She was surprise and wondered how he know it. He continued by mentioning about her parents whom she also had lost. During this moment, I discover that Tsuda Kenjiro and Dummy Mic is a deadly combination. My ears is melting~~~ I cannot unheard Kazama Chikage!!