Monday, October 10, 2011

Wand of Fortune: Julius Route

Whose hand on Julius shoulder??

 Julius [CV: Sakurai Takahiro]:
176.0cm, 17 years old, element: wind. 
His fav phrase? " Imi ga wakaranai". 
Present he like most: Imi ga wakaranai meron pan. What kind of name is that? Imi ga wakaranai!

    Julius is a super geek when it comes to magic. He is soooo interested in this stuff that he could talk non stop about it for three days! I'm surprised to know that this guy is sooo talkative especially with magic as topic. He talk a LOT and at TRAIN speed! Gosh- O.O'

    Julius is super curious with Lulu's fail magic. At the first meeting, there's a building that was on fire. Julius and her try to put out the flame.  Lulu somehow manage to put out the fire but her fail magic however create a big tree out of the blue. Julius instantly make a puppy eyes and excitedly goes 'Imi ga wakaranai mahou!!'.

   There's a scene where Julius became sleep deprive because he was too into magic that he forgot to sleep. I swear he was like a dead zombie walking like drunken men but still insist to go to classes. Lulu drag him away and force him to cut classes. She lend him her lap and he sleep like a baby. Julius is cute! If I'm Lulu, I'll be poking his cheek again and again. Oh, wait! I'm Lulu. 

This 'wet' scene is another result from Lulu's fail magic. Just when she thought Julius was going to scold her, Julius laugh loudly and goes 'how that happen? Imi ga wakaranai'. 

    Although Julius route is a bit boring cuz he kept talking about magic, I like his confession scene. He was all confuse when it comes to Lulu. Then he said he like her, and realize at that moment, he's actually in love with her. He then make that excited puppy face again and keep repeating his love confession non stop that make Lulu so embarrassed! You won't believe how this guy became all clingy and cheesy in the fandisk game.

   In his route, study a LOT with Ivan-sensei! Don't forget to fulfill parameter~ Anything else, ask the fortune teller lady in the game. She knows what you need. :D

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