Thursday, March 29, 2012

So he can speak German language fluently.... oh wait.

I listened to drama CD Otona Gentei Otogame Panalty III where Kakihara Tetsuya keep speaking in German. Though I did not speak German, but he does sounds so fluent. Then it crossed my mind. Hey, Kakky came from German right? And he became a seiyuu cuz he want to learn Japanese language? No wonder he is so fluent speaking German! -___-'
I've read somewhere that he also can speak English. I better warned my heart not to fall for this guy.

Okay, maybe I'm too late.


  1. Haha, it's already too late for me.

    I'd really really really like to speak with him (in whatever language! Possibly a mixture of Jap-Eng-German, that would be amazing)

    1. Have you read his history on wikipedia? I love the drama he made just to be a voice actor. This guy is crazy! XD

    2. no I didn't read it, I'll have to go and see then xD (/incredibly late reply)
